By Christina Jaremus, Patrick D. Joyce, Louisa Johnson, and Katherine Mendez

Seyfarth Synopsis: In part one of a series concerning managing the future tele-workforce, below are some tips to navigate reasonable accommodation requests and monitor the performance of employees who will likely be working remotely in greater numbers in the future.

Despite a recent spike in
Continue Reading Blog Series – Managing a Future Remote Workforce

By David J. Rowland and Danielle R. Rabie

Seyfarth Synopsis: In a 2-1 decision in Bilinsky v American Airlines, Inc., 2019 WL 2610944 (7th Cir. June 26, 2019), the Seventh Circuit recently affirmed American Airlines’ summary judgment win against a former employee who alleged American violated the ADA by failing to allow her to continue to work remotely
Continue Reading Close Call: American Airlines Wins ADA Case by One Vote, but the Warning Signals for Employers are Loud and Clear