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By Tim Griffin

Seyfarth Synopsis: Seyfarth is committed to helping leading employers and in-house counsel adapt to the rapidly changing business landscape and prepare for what may lie ahead. As part of that commitment, since 2017, Seyfarth has carried out a suite of initiatives based on helping clients understand the future of work and empowering them to tackle emerging workplace
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By Christina Jaremus, Patrick D. Joyce, Louisa Johnson, and Katherine Mendez

Seyfarth Synopsis: In part one of a series concerning managing the future tele-workforce, below are some tips to navigate reasonable accommodation requests and monitor the performance of employees who will likely be working remotely in greater numbers in the future.

Despite a recent spike in
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By Christina Jaremus and Katherine Mendez

Seyfarth Synopsis: Governors are already discussing lifting stay-at-home restrictions.  However, certain changes to the workplace that were implemented during the shelter-in-place period may persist.  As Steven Hawking said, intelligence is the ability to adapt to change.  No one knows this better than businesses whose success often relies on quickly adapting to change.
Continue Reading Three Ways COVID-19 Is Changing How We Will Work In The Future

By Katherine F. Mendez and Samantha L. Brooks

Seyfarth Synopsis: In our fifth installment on the presidential candidates’ stances on future of work issues, we provide an update from the campaign trail and Capitol Hill.

In our fourth installment in our “where the presidential candidates stand” series, we discussed the candidates’ and the President’s positions on preparing and training
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By Katherine F. MendezSamantha L. Brooks, and Anastacia E. Topaltzas

Seyfarth Synopsis: In our fourth installment on the presidential candidates’ stances on future of work issues, we focus on their approach to training employees for a highly technical workplace, and how they plan on investing in the ever-changing workforce.

At the Democratic Debate in South Carolina
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By Katherine F. MendezSamantha L. Brooks, and Anastacia E. Topaltzas

Seyfarth Synopsis: In our third installment in where the potential Presidential candidates stand on key labor and future of work issues, we focus on the candidates’ positions on minimum wage.

Since our last post, and on the heels of the New Hampshire primary, Michael Bennet,
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By Katherine F. Mendez, Samantha L. Brooks, Susan Ryan, and Anastacia E. Topaltzas

Seyfarth Synopsis: The Iowa Democratic Presidential Caucus historically signals who the likely Democratic Presidential Candidate will be. As we dive in to the 2020 election season, we explore the potential candidates’ positions on key labor issues. Here, in our second installment, we
Continue Reading Where the President and Democratic Candidates Stand on Collective Bargaining Rights of Gig Workers

By Ameena Majid and Rachel Bernasconi

Seyfarth Synopsis: Over 40 million people around the world are trapped in conditions of modern slavery, according to research from the Walk Free Foundation and the International Labour Organization. Modern slavery—a term that encompasses various forms of servitude, forced labor, trafficking in persons, forced marriage, child trafficking, debt bondage, child labor and exploitation, and

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