By Cathy Feldman and Joshua D. Seidman

Seyfarth Synopsis:  Out with the old and in with the new.  Governor Newsom recently signed new laws which extend and clarify employees’ available reasons for use of California paid sick leave.  There are expanded unpaid leave protections for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, or qualifying acts of violence, as well

Continue Reading New and Improved California Leave Provisions for 2025

By Patrick D. JoyceIlana Morady, and Daniel R. Birnbaum

Seyfarth Synopsis: On July 24, 2024, Cal/OSHA’s indoor heat rule was approved by the Office of Administrative Law (OAL) and filed with the Secretary of State (SOS), rendering the rule effective immediately.

If you’ve been following our postings, you know that last month the Cal/OSHA Standards Board voted

Continue Reading Hot Fun in the Summertime: Cal/OSHA Indoor Heat Rule Effective Immediately

By Patrick D. Joyce and Ilana Morady

Seyfarth Synopsis: A new rulemaking is underway at the California Department of Industrial Relations that will allow Cal/OSHA to cite employers for “enterprise-wide and egregious” violations, implementing a 2021 law signed by Governor Newsom. Cal/OSHA will convene an advisory committee on August 19, 2024 to solicit input.


California employers may remember back

Continue Reading California Employers — Brace Yourselves; Rules and Penalties are Coming for “Enterprise-wide and Egregious” Violations

By Andrew M. Paley and Phillip J. Ebsworth

Seyfarth Synopsis: Governor Newsom announced that a deal has been made to reform California’s Private Attorneys General Act (“PAGA”) and take the PAGA initiative off the ballot in November. The Governor’s announcement provides some highlights of what the reform package will include; however, the language of the proposed bill is expected in

Continue Reading Governor Newsom Announces PAGA Reform

By Michael Afar, Christopher A. Crosman, and Bailey K. Bifoss

Seyfarth Synopsis: We are thrilled to announce the release of the 23rd Edition of Seyfarth’s Litigating California Wage & Hour Class and PAGA Actions and invite employers to view our webinar that will review the top legal developments and wage and hour trends in the Golden State, from an employer-side

Continue Reading Webinar: Litigating California Wage Hour Class & PAGA Actions

By Amy Abeloff and Ken Wilton

Seyfarth Synopsis: Collaborations with athletes, actors, and singers have always been a great way for companies to grow their brand recognition and create profitable products. With the Super Bowl (and, of course, its famed commercials) last weekend, we saw new collaborations between celebrities and brands. Similar to celebrity-filled ads, collaborative relationships between

Continue Reading Avoiding Fumbles and Penalties in California with Influencer Classification

By Ilana MoradyPatrick D. JoyceAdam R. Young, and Craig B. Simonsen

Seyfarth SynopsisThis week the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) issued an order revising COVID-19 definitions and procedures. Because the Cal/OSHA COVID-19 standard incorporates by reference certain CDPH definitions, the CDPH order impacts what the regulated community needs to be doing to

Continue Reading New Updates to Cal/OSHA COVID-19 Requirements

By Clara L. Rademacher and Ryan McCoy

Seyfarth Synopsis: In August, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (“FMCSA”) announced that it would start accepting petitions for waivers from the recent decisions preempting California and Washington’s meal and rest break rules. While the FMCSA has not yet publicized the petitions that it received by the November 13, 2023 deadline, the California

Continue Reading California Attorney General Steps In To Petition FMCSA For Waiver Of Meal And Rest Period Preemption Determination On Behalf Of State’s Drivers

By Ilana Morady, Brian Gillis, Clara Rademacher, Patrick D. Joyce, and Bradley Doucette

Seyfarth Synopsis: Senate Bill 553, signed into law by Governor Gavin Newsom, requires nearly all employers in the State of California to prepare a Workplace Violence Prevention Plan, train employees on how to identify and avoid workplace violence, and maintain a violent incident log by July

Continue Reading Workplace Violence Prevention Plans Required For California Employers by July 2024

By Kristina M. LauneyScott P. MalleryDavid Kim and Galen Sallomi 

Seyfarth Synopsis: Now that the Legislature’s September 14, 2023 deadline to pass bills to the Governor has come and gone, we are providing an overview of  which employment bills are before the Governor for consideration, including bills that impact non-compete agreements, FEHA protected categories, paid

Continue Reading Legislative Update: Nearing the End of the Road (for 2023)