By Annette Tyman, Brandon L. Dixon, and Elizabeth L. Humphrey

Seyfarth Synopsis: The Eleventh Circuit recently issued an opinion blocking the enforcement of Florida’s “anti-woke” law. The Court struck down the law on the grounds that the law impermissibly infringes on employers’ free speech rights by limiting the concepts that employers can espouse in mandatory corporate DEI training

Continue Reading Eleventh Circuit Strikes Down Florida Ban on Company’s “Woke” Diversity Training

By Minh VuKristina Launey, and Susan Ryan

Seyfarth Synopsis: The decline in ADA Title III lawsuits that began in 2022 continues in 2023.  New York remains the filing hotspot.

Continuing the trend discussed in our 2022 blog posts here and here, the number of lawsuits filed in federal courts alleging violations of Title III of the

Continue Reading 2023 Mid-Year Report: ADA Title III Federal Lawsuit Numbers Continue to Decline