Seyfarth Synopsis: A series from our seasoned and successful Boston L&E Trial Team will explore the latest trends in jury trials in a time of explosive verdicts, Reptile tactics, polarization, and an election year. We’ll offer practical strategies on how to maximize your chance of a total defense verdict, despite these headwinds, based on our experience navigating trials in this

Continue Reading Webinar Part 1: Trying Cases in a Polarized Environment – On  Apr. 30, 2024

A series from our seasoned and successful Boston L&E Trial Team will explore the latest trends in jury trials in a time of explosive verdicts, Reptile tactics, polarization, and an election year. We’ll offer practical strategies on how to maximize your chance of a total defense verdict, despite these headwinds, based on our experience navigating trials in this environment. We

Continue Reading WEBINAR – Jury Trials in 2024: Seyfarth’s Employment Trial Team on Lessons from the Front Lines