About the Program: Organizational change can present tremendous opportunities for in-house counsel with both small and large legal teams to create efficiencies, streamline processes, and bolster what is working well. It also presents challenges, including securing buy-in from stakeholders and maintaining momentum across competing priorities when time and resources are in short supply.

In this session, Seyfarth and the 

Continue Reading Webinar: Seyfarth & ACC Northeast Present: Legal Ops & Organizational Change – Practical Examples and How to Succeed

About the Program: Organizational change can present tremendous opportunities for in-house counsel with both small and large legal teams to create efficiencies, streamline processes, and bolster what is working well. It also presents challenges, including securing buy-in from stakeholders and maintaining momentum across competing priorities when time and resources are in short supply

In this session, Seyfarth and the Northeast

Continue Reading Webinar: Seyfarth & ACC Northeast Present: Legal Ops & Organizational Change – Practical Examples and How to Succeed