By Ilana MoradyPatrick D. JoyceCoby TurnerLiz Watson and Juan Rehl-Garcia 

Seyfarth Synopsis: Two big changes are on the horizon for California employers:
(1) changes to the COVID-19 general exposure notification requirements and (2) a proposed “permanent” Cal/OSHA COVID-19 standard to take effect January 1, 2023-2025.

The fall season signals change between the

Continue Reading Changes Coming to CA COVID-19 Requirements

By Brent I. ClarkBenjamin D. BriggsAdam R. Young, Patrick D. Joyce, and Craig B. Simonsen

Seyfarth Synopsis: The CDC continues to expand its guidance on the potential routes of COVID-19 transmission, changing its definition of “close contact” of 15 minutes or more within 6 feet, to now mean 15 minutes aggregated across an
Continue Reading CDC Expands Definition of “Close Contact” to Include Contact Within Six Feet for 15 Minutes or More, With Minutes Aggregated Over the Course of 24 Hours