By Alex Simon and Kyle Petersen

Seyfarth Synopsis: In a welcome turn of events, the Seventh Circuit has taken up the question of what is the appropriate standard for court-authorized notice in collective actions.

When this Blog wrote two weeks ago, “SwalesClark, and Laverenz pave the way for additional district and appellate courts to depart

Continue Reading The Seventh Circuit Has Entered the Chat. Joining the Fifth and Sixth Circuits before it, the Seventh Circuit Agrees to Review the Standard for Sending Court-Authorized Notice to Potential Plaintiffs in Collective Actions

By Jacob J. Roes and Noah A. Finkel

Seyfarth Synopsis: While reversing a grant of summary judgment in favor of an employer based on the de minimis doctrine, the Ninth Circuit held that the doctrine still can apply under the FLSA.

As readers of this blog, and particularly fans of The Princess Bride, know well, the de minimis 

Continue Reading The De Minimis Doctrine Lives to Fight Another Day