By Eric Barton

Seyfarth Synopsis: Jimmy Buffett once eloquently said that “without geography, you’re nowhere.”  But how does that insight apply to restrictive covenants that lack explicit geographic limitations in Georgia? While Jimmy never got to find out, we now have some much-needed clarity from the Georgia Supreme Court.

For many years, most Georgia litigants, individuals, and businesses operated under

Continue Reading Georgia Supreme Court Reverses Lower Court Rulings and Holds Non-Recruitment Provisions do not Need to Contain Explicit Geographic Limitations

By Robyn MarshMarcus Mintz, and Michael Wexler 

Seyfarth Synopsis: On May 31, 2024, the Governor of Colorado signed House Bill 24-1324, titled “Attorney General Restrictive Employment Agreements,” putting into place a law to toughen protections for employees who are subject to abusive contracts ostensibly requiring repayment to employers for education and training expenses upon termination

Continue Reading Colorado Amends Non-Compete Law To Address Potential Abuses of Training Repayment Agreement Provisions (TRAPS)

By Bernard OlshanskyDaniel SmallRobert WhitmanJames Yu, and Nicholas De Baun 

Seyfarth SynopsisEfforts to prohibit non-compete agreements in New York State are back to square one following Governor Hochul’s veto of an outright ban in late December 2023.

As we reported most recently here, New York was set to join a 

Continue Reading New York Non-Compete Ban is Off the Table—For Now