By Elizabeth L. Humphrey and Jennifer L. Mora

Seyfarth Synopsis: Nevada, like most states, has legalized cannabis for medicinal use. Although permitted under state law, a Nevada employee may still face discipline under a company’s drug policy. To address that concern, the Nevada Legislature passed a law requiring employers to attempt to make reasonable accommodations for its employees’ use of

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By Giselle Donado and Sara Eber

Continuing the trend of courts closely scrutinizing the classification of workers in discrete industries, the Supreme Court of Nevada recently reversed summary judgment in favor of a gentlemen’s club and found that the Club’s performers were employees entitled to be compensated at a minimum wage.

In Terry et al. v. Sapphire Gentlemen’s Club,
Continue Reading You Can’t Do That In The Champagne Room! The Supreme Court of Nevada Decides Workplace Rules And Restrictions Render Exotic Dancers Employees Owed Minimum Wages