By Robert B. Milligan and Daniel P. Hart

BlogThere is no denying that social media has transformed the way that companies conduct business.  In light of the rapid evolution of social media, companies today face significant legal challenges on a variety of issues ranging from employee privacy and protected activity to data practices, identity theft, cybersecurity, and protection of intellectual property.

Seyfarth’s Social Media practice group has prepared an easy-to-use “Social Media Privacy Legislation Desktop Reference,” as a starting point to formulating guidance when these issues arise.


The Desktop Reference:

  • Describes the content and purpose of the various states’ new social media privacy laws.
  • Delivers a detailed state-by-state description of each law, listing a general overview, what is prohibited, what is allowed, the remedies for violations, and special notes for each statute.
  • Provides an easy-to-use chart summarizing existing social media privacy laws by state.
  • Offers our thoughts on the implications of this legislation in other areas, including technological advances in the workplace, trade secret misappropriation, bring your own device (BYOD) issues and concerns, social media discovery, and federal law implications.
  • Concludes with some best practices to assist companies in navigating this challenging area.

We hope that you find its content useful.

How to get your Desktop Reference:

This publication may be requested from your Seyfarth contact in hard copy or is available as an eBook, which is compatible with PCs, Macs and most major mobile devices*.   The eBook format is fully searchable and offers the ability to bookmark useful sections for easy future reference and make notes within the eBook.