By Karla Grossenbacher and  Scott Mallery

Seyfarth Synopsis:  In six months, the U.S. presidential election will take place and inevitably employee views on the elections and election issues will make their way into the workplace.  In today’s highly polarized socio-political landscape, the intersection of workplace dynamics and individual politics often causes disruptions in the workplace.  When confronted with these

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By: Johanna T. Wise and Andrew J. Masak

While most of the political pundits, and indeed the country, are busy analyzing the election results, four new localities passed paid sick leave laws.  As we previously blogged, the current landscape of paid sick leave laws is a patchwork of varying regulations, causing headaches for many employers.  And compliance isn’t getting
Continue Reading High Tide On Paid Sick Leave Laws: The Number of States and Cities with Paid Sick Leave Laws Rises