By Adam R. Young and Aaron M. Gillett

1. A Nightmare Acquisition

Your Company has recently acquired a small logistics company with a strong business reputation.  Eighteen days after the acquisition was finalized, you receive a call that there has been a tragic forklift accident in a warehouse operated by a subsidiary of the newly acquired target company.  An employee

Continue Reading Forgotten Due Diligence: Overlooked Occupational Safety & Health, OSHA Liabilities During M&A Transactions

By Marjorie CulverJeremy Corapi, and Dan Waldman

Seyfarth Synopsis: In the world of cross-border mergers and acquisitions, complex human resource and employment considerations arise during the transaction’s due diligence process. Depending on the transaction’s structure, these issues can be diverse and range in topics from immigration requirements to employee benefit matters to employee representative consultation obligations.
Continue Reading Cross-Border Transactions: Key Items to Review When Performing Human Resource and Employment Due Diligence