By A. Scott Hecker and Ted North

Seyfarth Synopsis:  This alert summarizes the IRS’s recent notice of proposed rulemaking on complying with prevailing wage and apprenticeship requirements under the Inflation Reduction Act and explains key provisions including (i) identification of a qualifying project’s applicable wage determination(s), (ii) penalties for non-compliance, and (iii) the new exception for incorporating Project Labor Agreements.

Continue Reading The IRS – Finally – Publishes a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Clarifying Inflation Reduction Act Prevailing Wage and Apprenticeship Compliance Requirements

By Katherine F. Mendez and Samantha L. Brooks

Seyfarth Synopsis: In our fifth installment on the presidential candidates’ stances on future of work issues, we provide an update from the campaign trail and Capitol Hill.

In our fourth installment in our “where the presidential candidates stand” series, we discussed the candidates’ and the President’s positions on preparing and training
Continue Reading The Future of Work: An Update from the Campaign Trail and the Hill (Spoiler Alert: COVID-19 is Taking Center Stage)

By Katherine F. MendezSamantha L. Brooks, and Anastacia E. Topaltzas

Seyfarth Synopsis: In our fourth installment on the presidential candidates’ stances on future of work issues, we focus on their approach to training employees for a highly technical workplace, and how they plan on investing in the ever-changing workforce.

At the Democratic Debate in South Carolina
Continue Reading Where the President and Democratic Candidates Stand on Preparing for the Future of Work