Employment Law Lookout readers — today marks the one year anniversary of the Employment Law Lookout Blog. Since we started on July 17, 2013, we have published well over a hundred articles (featuring over 70 talented Seyfarth authors) on topics as wide ranging as Leave and Accommodation issues, to Social Media, to Whistleblower issues. We’ve also kept our readers up to date on the latest developments in Federal and State law that may impact your workplace. We have presented two wildly successful (IOHO – in our humble opinon) “subscriber only” webinars, and we continue to attract new readers every day. Thank you.
As part of Seyfarth’s ongoing commitment to quality and content improvement, we welcome your continued feedback on how we can make the ELL Blog better for you. We also invite your suggestions for content and topics within the Employment Law arena for our staff of writers and editors to be, well… on the Lookout. To help with that, over the next couple of weeks, we will be rolling out a “voice of the reader” survey (with a “tip-of-the-hat” to our Trade Secrets Blog colleagues) where we hope to elicit additional feedback from you and identify topics for future blog posts for you. Be … on the Lookout!
On behalf of the entire Employment Law Lookout team — thank you for a great year, and we look forward to many more to come. Cent’anni!
And if you like the ELL blog – tell the ABA who each year seeks nominations for the “Blawg 100.” We’d love to be nominated, but only you can do it!
Erin Dougherty Foley – Managing Editor